About SMCC

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Malankara Catholic Community in Bahrain was organized since 1986 when the visit made by our Supreme head of that time The Arch Bishop Most. Rev. Dr. Benedict Mar Gregoriose. This was His Holiness maiden visit to Bahrain as well as to Middle East from Kerala as a Catholic Bishop. His Holiness could audience a large number of members from our community as well as from various other communities of Bahrain. The first Holly Mass was celebrated at our Sacred Heart Mother Church and it was a reminiscence event in the Middle East Malankara community’s History.

After that number of senior priests, Fr. Abraham Kakkanad (presently Bishop Most Rev. Abraham Mar Julios), Fr. Daniel Kurzhithadam and Fr. Geevargese Panicker the principals of Mar Ivaniose college Trivandrum and different MCA officials were visited us during this period.
The regular visit of Cor-Episcopa Rev. Dr.Geevarghese Mannikkarottu encouraged our community and he took the lead to gather our faithful as a prayer group of Malankara Community in Bahrain.

The increasing number of community members in Bahrain encouraged our Supreme Head Cyril Mar Basaliose to appoint Fr.Jerome Peedikaparampil as the first priest for Bahrain and Qatar. During his tenure our mass was celebrated on every first Saturday of the months. With our continuous request number of mass has been increased into twice a month that is alternative Saturday’s of every month. Since 2010 the Mass were celebrated every second and fourth Friday’s because of the convenience of the community and more were requested on weekends. These all changes were possible with the support of Parish Priest, Spiritual Director of Malayalam community and Malankara core group members of each period.

The different Malankara Bishops visited our community during these period were Most Rev:Cyril Mar Baselios, Most Rev. Yoohanon Mar Chrysostom, Most Rev. Abraham Mar Julios and our present supreme head Most Rev. Beselios Cleemis Catholicos who visited us twice during this period. His Holiness visit to us was a memorable event for our entire Malayalam community as well as for The Sacred Heart Church members. All these years we were so fortunate to have the presence of different visiting priest from India to conduct our Holly week and Christmas services.

The present community strength, we reached in to a number more than 800. We achieved this strength with the relentless support and hard work of our different committees and one of the notable steps taken our community leaders was the visit to see the Apostolic Vicar of Arabia, The Bishop Paul Hinder at Abudhabi. On this visit Bishop Paul Hinder promised the delegates to appoint a permanent Malankara priest for Bahrain Sacred Heart Catholic Church as and when church obtaining a new visa from the authority of Bahrain.